1. NBFC Company formation

A company engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of bonds/ debentures/ shares/stocks/securities issued by Government or local authority. It also deals with other marketable securities like leasing, hire-purchase, insurance business, chit business. It does not include any institution whose principal business is that of industrial activity, agriculture activity, purchase or sale of any goods (other than securities) or providing any services and construction/sale/purchase of immovable property as per the Companies Act 2013.

NBFCs mainly have the business of receiving deposits under any arrangement or scheme in one lump sum amount or in instalments by way of contributions or in any other manner.

Well, if you are thinking to setup Finance Company then you are at the right place. GAA Consulting are the leading players in the field of NBFC Registration.

How GAA Consulting would assist you with setting up an NBFC Company ?

Step 1: Company Registration with the Registrar of Companies

Step 2: Bank Account Opening with the Scheduled Commercial Bank

Step 3: Choosing the Category of NBFC

Step 4: Business Plan for proposed NBFC

Step 5: Necessary Documentation for NBFC Registration

Step 6: Filing of NBFC Registration application with RBI

Step 7: Physical submission of all the documents with the regional office of the RBI where the registered office of the company is situated

Step 8: End to End Coordination with department till the COR is obtained

Step 9: Assistance in FIU-IND Registration

Step 10: Full assistance on meeting the secretarial as well as RBI compliances

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about NBFC Company formation, please click here.

2. NBFC Policies

Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) play a crucial role in the Indian financial sector, providing a wide range of financial services and products to individuals and businesses. As per the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), NBFCs are regulated entities that operate under specific policies to ensure financial stability and protect the interests of customers and stakeholders.

NBFC Policies cover various aspects of NBFC operations, including capital adequacy, risk management, corporate governance, customer protection, disclosure norms, and compliance requirements. These policies are designed to maintain the integrity and soundness of NBFC operations, promoting transparency and responsible financial practices.

At GAA Consulting, we specialize in guiding NBFCs to navigate the regulatory landscape and comply with the latest policies set by the RBI. Our expert team assists NBFCs in implementing the required policies and frameworks to ensure seamless operations and adherence to regulatory standards.

Steps involved are as follows

Step 1: Conduct a Comprehensive Policy Review

Step 2: Identify the Applicable Policies and Guidelines

Step 3: Assess Compliance with RBI and Regulatory Requirements

Step 4: Develop and Implement Policies for Capital Adequacy and Risk Management

Step 5: Formulate Customer Protection and Fair Practices Policies

Step 6: Establish Governance and Internal Control Policies

Step 7: Design and Implement Disclosure and Transparency Norms

Step 8: Create Policies for NBFC Operations and Service Delivery

Step 9: Periodic Review and Updating of NBFC Policies.

At GAA Consulting, we understand the significance of adhering to NBFC policies and offer expert guidance to help NBFCs navigate through the complexities. Our experienced team ensures that NBFCs are well-equipped to meet regulatory requirements and operate in a sustainable and compliant manner.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about NBFC Policies and compliance, please click here.

3. Certificates/Reports under RBI Regulations

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regulations govern various aspects of the financial sector to ensure stability, transparency, and efficiency in the Indian economy. As part of these regulations, RBI may require certain entities to obtain certificates or submit reports to demonstrate compliance with specific guidelines or rules.


These certificates and reports serve as essential documents to validate a company’s adherence to RBI regulations and demonstrate its financial health, risk management practices, and overall compliance. The RBI may require these certificates and reports from banks, non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), payment banks, and other regulated entities.


At GAA Consulting, we offer expert assistance in obtaining certificates and preparing reports in compliance with RBI regulations. Our experienced team works closely with clients to ensure timely and accurate submission of the required documentation.

Steps involved in Certificates/ Reports under RBI regulations

Step 1: Identify the Specific RBI Regulations Applicable to the Entity

Step 2: Review the Requirements for Certificates/Reports as Per RBI Guidelines

Step 3: Gather Relevant Financial Data and Information

Step 4: Prepare and Draft the Required Certificates/Reports

Step 5: Perform Internal Audits and Checks to Ensure Accuracy

Step 6: Obtain Necessary Approvals and Signatures

Step 7: Submit the Certificates/Reports to RBI within the Specified Timeline

Step 8: Follow Up on RBI’s Feedback and Clarifications, if Any

Step 9: Maintain Proper Records of Submitted Certificates/Reports

Step 10: Periodic Review and Updating of Certificates/Reports as Per RBI Changes.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about RBI regulations and compliance, please click here.

4. Annual Filings

Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) are financial institutions that provide a wide range of banking and financial services but do not hold a banking license. These entities play a crucial role in the financial sector, and they are subject to various regulations and reporting requirements, including annual filings.

Steps involved for NBFC Annual Filings

Step 1: Prepare Financial Statements: Compile balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements to assess the company’s financial health.

Step 2: Engage an Independent Auditor: Appoint an external auditor to review financial statements for accuracy and compliance.

Step 3: Compile Regulatory Filings: Prepare documents to comply with financial regulations, reporting on capital adequacy, asset quality, and regulatory adherence.

Step 4: Submit Statutory Reports: Furnish essential reports to regulatory authorities, detailing operations, financial health, and compliance.

Step 5: File Tax Returns: Complete and submit annual tax returns, including income, expenses, and financial transactions.

Step 6: File Annual Returns: Submit data on ownership, operations, and financial performance to relevant regulatory bodies.

Step 7: Prepare Internal Reports: Generate management reports for evaluating performance, risk management, and strategic goals.

Step 8: Create Shareholder Reports (if applicable): Develop annual reports for shareholders, encompassing financial statements, management messages, and corporate governance details.

Step 9: Maintain Records: Safeguard financial records, contracts, and operational documents for transparency, compliance, and potential audits.

Step 10: Conduct Annual General Meeting (AGM): Hold AGM to update shareholders on financial performance, results, and make significant decisions.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about NBFC Annual Filing please click here.

5. NBFC Advisory

Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) play a vital role in the financial sector, providing a wide array of financial services, including loans, investment products, and wealth management. In this complex and highly regulated industry, the need for expert guidance and advisory services is paramount. NBFC advisory services bridge the gap, offering invaluable insights, compliance support, and strategic direction to ensure the success and sustainability of NBFCs.

Steps involved for NBFC Advisory

Step 1: Regulatory Understanding: Gain expertise in NBFC regulations.

Step 2: Set up your advisory business legally.

Step 3: Assemble professionals with diverse skills.

Step 4: Identify your advisory focus areas.

Step 5: Create tailored advisory offerings.

Step 6: Promote your advisory services effectively.

Step 7: Understand clients’ unique needs.

Step 8: Provide hands-on advisory services.

Step 9: Maintain detailed records and reports.

Step 10: Evolve with changing regulations and trends.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about NBFC Advisory please click here.

6. Periodical Returns for Non-Deposit accepting NBFC (Systematically important) / NBFC-ND-SI

Non-Deposit Accepting Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC-ND-SI) are systematically important NBFCs that play a significant role in the financial sector. These NBFCs are registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and are required to comply with various regulatory guidelines, including the submission of periodical returns.

Periodical returns are important documents that NBFCs must submit to RBI at regular intervals. These returns provide key financial and operational information to the RBI, helping them monitor the financial health and performance of NBFC-ND-SI entities. The returns serve as a tool for RBI to assess risks and take necessary actions to maintain financial stability in the economy.

At GAA Consulting, we specialize in assisting NBFC-ND-SI entities in preparing and submitting periodical returns as per RBI guidelines. Our expert team ensures that these returns are accurate, timely, and in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Steps involved are as follows

Step 1: Identify the Specific Periodical Returns Applicable to the NBFC-ND-SI

Step 2: Review the RBI Guidelines and Requirements for Each Return

Step 3: Gather Relevant Financial Data and Information

Step 4: Prepare and Draft the Periodical Returns

Step 5: Perform Internal Audits and Checks to Ensure Accuracy

Step 6: Obtain Necessary Approvals and Signatures

Step 7: Submit the Periodical Returns to RBI within the Specified Timeline

Step 8: Follow Up on RBI’s Feedback and Clarifications, if Any

Step 9: Maintain Proper Records of Submitted Returns

Step 10: Periodic Review and Updating of Returns as Per RBI Changes.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about RBI regulations and compliance for NBFC-ND entities, please click here.

7. Periodical Returns for Non- Deposit accepting NBFC (Not Systematically important)/ NBFC ND

Non-Deposit Accepting Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC-ND) that are not classified as systematically important are an integral part of the financial sector. These NBFCs are registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and are required to comply with various regulatory guidelines, including the submission of periodical returns.

Periodical returns are important documents that NBFC-ND entities must submit to RBI at regular intervals. These returns provide key financial and operational information to the RBI, helping them monitor the financial health and performance of NBFCs. The returns serve as a tool for RBI to assess risks and take necessary actions to maintain financial stability in the economy.

At GAA Consulting, we specialize in assisting NBFC-ND entities in preparing and submitting periodical returns as per RBI guidelines. Our expert team ensures that these returns are accurate, timely, and in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Steps involved are as follows

Step 1: Identify the Specific Periodical Returns Applicable to the NBFC-ND

Step 2: Review the RBI Guidelines and Requirements for Each Return

Step 3: Gather Relevant Financial Data and Information

Step 4: Prepare and Draft the Periodical Returns

Step 5: Perform Internal Audits and Checks to Ensure Accuracy

Step 6: Obtain Necessary Approvals and Signatures

Step 7: Submit the Periodical Returns to RBI within the Specified Timeline

Step 8: Follow Up on RBI’s Feedback and Clarifications, if Any

Step 9: Maintain Proper Records of Submitted Returns

Step 10: Periodic Review and Updating of Returns as Per RBI Changes.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about RBI regulations and compliance for NBFC-ND entities, please click here.

8. ISIN generation and Corporate action for Unlisted Debt Securities

Managing unlisted debt securities involves various important processes, including ISIN generation and handling corporate actions. Here’s an overview of these two essential aspects:

1. ISIN Generation:

What Is ISIN: ISIN stands for International Securities Identification Number. It’s a unique code assigned to financial securities, including unlisted debt securities, to facilitate their identification and tracking in the financial markets.

Importance of ISIN: ISINs are crucial for unlisted debt securities, as they provide a standardized way to uniquely identify each security. This helps in trading, settlement, and regulatory reporting.

Steps for ISIN Generation

Step 1: Security Identification: First, you need to gather all pertinent information about the unlisted debt security, including its terms, issuer details, and any specific features.

Step 2: Application: Submit an application to the relevant authorities or agencies responsible for ISIN issuance. In many cases, this could be a national numbering agency or a stock exchange.

Step 3: Verification: The application is reviewed for accuracy and completeness, ensuring all necessary details are included.

Step 4: ISIN Assignment: Upon approval, the ISIN is generated and assigned to the unlisted debt security, and this code is then used for trading and reporting.

2. Corporate Action for Unlisted Debt Securities:

  • Corporate Actions Definition: Corporate actions refer to events initiated by an issuer that affect the terms or conditions of a security. For unlisted debt securities, these actions can include interest rate changes, maturity date extensions, principal repayment, or amendments to covenants.

  • Importance of Managing Corporate Actions: Properly handling corporate actions is vital to maintain transparency, protect investor interests, and ensure compliance with contractual obligations.

Steps for Managing Corporate Actions

Step 1: Identification: Recognize the need for a corporate action, whether due to changes in market conditions or issuer-specific reasons.

Step 2: Assessment: Understand how the action impacts the unlisted debt securities and whether it necessitates bondholder consent or regulatory approval.

Step 3: Planning: Create a comprehensive plan outlining the action, its timeline, and communication strategies.

Step 4: Notification: Inform bondholders and other stakeholders about the action and the process for consent, if required.

Step 5: Execution: Implement the action as per the plan, which may include making interest payments, modifying terms, or conducting repayments.

Step 6: Reporting: Maintain transparent communication with stakeholders throughout and after the action.

Step 7: Record Keeping: Maintain detailed records for compliance and transparency.

Step 8: Regulatory Compliance: Ensure adherence to regulatory and legal requirements, especially when changes to debt securities are involved.

Step 9: Monitoring and Periodic Review

Step 10: Material Changes Reporting: Report any significant developments or changes to the appropriate regulatory authorities and bondholders promptly.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about ISIN generation and Corporate action for Unlisted Debt Securities, please click here.

9. Dematerializations

Dematerialization, commonly known as “Demat,” is the process of converting physical certificates of securities, such as shares, bonds, and debentures, into electronic or digital form. The Dematerialization process facilitates electronic trading and holding of securities, eliminating the need for physical certificates. In India, the Demat process is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

The Dematerialization of securities offers several benefits, including enhanced security, ease of transfer, and reduced paperwork. It also eliminates the risk of loss, theft, or damage associated with physical certificates. Dematerialized securities are held in a Demat account with a registered depository participant (DP), and transactions are executed electronically through stock exchanges.

At GAA Consulting, we assist individuals and entities in the Dematerialization process and provide guidance on complying with the regulatory requirements.

Steps involved are as follows

Step 1: Open a Demat Account: Choose a Depository Participant (DP) and open a Demat account to hold dematerialized securities.

Step 2: Submit Dematerialization Request: Submit physical certificates of securities to the DP along with a Dematerialization request form.

Step 3: Verification: The DP verifies the authenticity of the physical certificates and processes the Dematerialization request.

Step 4: Conversion to Electronic Form: Upon successful verification, the DP converts the physical certificates into electronic form and credits the dematerialized securities to the Demat account.

Step 5: Confirmation: The DP issues a confirmation statement to the account holder after completion of the Dematerialization process.

Step 6: Electronic Trading: The dematerialized securities can now be traded electronically through the Demat account.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Dematerialization and related services, please click here.

1. NBFC Company formation

A company engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of bonds/ debentures/ shares/stocks/securities issued by Government or local authority. It also deals with other marketable securities like leasing, hire-purchase, insurance business, chit business. It does not include any institution whose principal business is that of industrial activity, agriculture activity, purchase or sale of any goods (other than securities) or providing any services and construction/sale/purchase of immovable property as per the Companies Act 2013.

NBFCs mainly have the business of receiving deposits under any arrangement or scheme in one lump sum amount or in instalments by way of contributions or in any other manner.

Well, if you are thinking to setup Finance Company then you are at the right place. GAA Consulting are the leading players in the field of NBFC Registration.

How GAA Consulting would assist you with setting up an NBFC Company ?

Step 1: Company Registration with the Registrar of Companies

Step 2: Bank Account Opening with the Scheduled Commercial Bank

Step 3: Choosing the Category of NBFC

Step 4: Business Plan for proposed NBFC

Step 5: Necessary Documentation for NBFC Registration

Step 6: Filing of NBFC Registration application with RBI

Step 7: Physical submission of all the documents with the regional office of the RBI where the registered office of the company is situated

Step 8: End to End Coordination with department till the COR is obtained

Step 9: Assistance in FIU-IND Registration

Step 10: Full assistance on meeting the secretarial as well as RBI compliances

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about NBFC Company formation, please click here.

2. NBFC Policies

Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) play a crucial role in the Indian financial sector, providing a wide range of financial services and products to individuals and businesses. As per the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), NBFCs are regulated entities that operate under specific policies to ensure financial stability and protect the interests of customers and stakeholders.

NBFC Policies cover various aspects of NBFC operations, including capital adequacy, risk management, corporate governance, customer protection, disclosure norms, and compliance requirements. These policies are designed to maintain the integrity and soundness of NBFC operations, promoting transparency and responsible financial practices.

At GAA Consulting, we specialize in guiding NBFCs to navigate the regulatory landscape and comply with the latest policies set by the RBI. Our expert team assists NBFCs in implementing the required policies and frameworks to ensure seamless operations and adherence to regulatory standards.

Steps involved are as follows

Step 1: Conduct a Comprehensive Policy Review

Step 2: Identify the Applicable Policies and Guidelines

Step 3: Assess Compliance with RBI and Regulatory Requirements

Step 4: Develop and Implement Policies for Capital Adequacy and Risk Management

Step 5: Formulate Customer Protection and Fair Practices Policies

Step 6: Establish Governance and Internal Control Policies

Step 7: Design and Implement Disclosure and Transparency Norms

Step 8: Create Policies for NBFC Operations and Service Delivery

Step 9: Periodic Review and Updating of NBFC Policies.

At GAA Consulting, we understand the significance of adhering to NBFC policies and offer expert guidance to help NBFCs navigate through the complexities. Our experienced team ensures that NBFCs are well-equipped to meet regulatory requirements and operate in a sustainable and compliant manner.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about NBFC Policies and compliance, please click here.

3. Certificates/Reports under RBI Regulations

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regulations govern various aspects of the financial sector to ensure stability, transparency, and efficiency in the Indian economy. As part of these regulations, RBI may require certain entities to obtain certificates or submit reports to demonstrate compliance with specific guidelines or rules.


These certificates and reports serve as essential documents to validate a company’s adherence to RBI regulations and demonstrate its financial health, risk management practices, and overall compliance. The RBI may require these certificates and reports from banks, non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), payment banks, and other regulated entities.


At GAA Consulting, we offer expert assistance in obtaining certificates and preparing reports in compliance with RBI regulations. Our experienced team works closely with clients to ensure timely and accurate submission of the required documentation.

Steps involved in Certificates/ Reports under RBI regulations

Step 1: Identify the Specific RBI Regulations Applicable to the Entity

Step 2: Review the Requirements for Certificates/Reports as Per RBI Guidelines

Step 3: Gather Relevant Financial Data and Information

Step 4: Prepare and Draft the Required Certificates/Reports

Step 5: Perform Internal Audits and Checks to Ensure Accuracy

Step 6: Obtain Necessary Approvals and Signatures

Step 7: Submit the Certificates/Reports to RBI within the Specified Timeline

Step 8: Follow Up on RBI’s Feedback and Clarifications, if Any

Step 9: Maintain Proper Records of Submitted Certificates/Reports

Step 10: Periodic Review and Updating of Certificates/Reports as Per RBI Changes.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about RBI regulations and compliance, please click here.

4. Annual Filings


5. NBFC Advisory


6. Periodical Returns for Non-Deposit accepting NBFC (Systematically important) / NBFC-ND-SI

Non-Deposit Accepting Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC-ND-SI) are systematically important NBFCs that play a significant role in the financial sector. These NBFCs are registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and are required to comply with various regulatory guidelines, including the submission of periodical returns.

Periodical returns are important documents that NBFCs must submit to RBI at regular intervals. These returns provide key financial and operational information to the RBI, helping them monitor the financial health and performance of NBFC-ND-SI entities. The returns serve as a tool for RBI to assess risks and take necessary actions to maintain financial stability in the economy.

At GAA Consulting, we specialize in assisting NBFC-ND-SI entities in preparing and submitting periodical returns as per RBI guidelines. Our expert team ensures that these returns are accurate, timely, and in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Steps involved are as follows

Step 1: Identify the Specific Periodical Returns Applicable to the NBFC-ND-SI

Step 2: Review the RBI Guidelines and Requirements for Each Return

Step 3: Gather Relevant Financial Data and Information

Step 4: Prepare and Draft the Periodical Returns

Step 5: Perform Internal Audits and Checks to Ensure Accuracy

Step 6: Obtain Necessary Approvals and Signatures

Step 7: Submit the Periodical Returns to RBI within the Specified Timeline

Step 8: Follow Up on RBI’s Feedback and Clarifications, if Any

Step 9: Maintain Proper Records of Submitted Returns

Step 10: Periodic Review and Updating of Returns as Per RBI Changes.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about RBI regulations and compliance for NBFC-ND entities, please click here.

7. Periodical Returns for Non- Deposit accepting NBFC (Not Systematically important)/ NBFC ND

Non-Deposit Accepting Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC-ND) that are not classified as systematically important are an integral part of the financial sector. These NBFCs are registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and are required to comply with various regulatory guidelines, including the submission of periodical returns.

Periodical returns are important documents that NBFC-ND entities must submit to RBI at regular intervals. These returns provide key financial and operational information to the RBI, helping them monitor the financial health and performance of NBFCs. The returns serve as a tool for RBI to assess risks and take necessary actions to maintain financial stability in the economy.

At GAA Consulting, we specialize in assisting NBFC-ND entities in preparing and submitting periodical returns as per RBI guidelines. Our expert team ensures that these returns are accurate, timely, and in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Steps involved are as follows

Step 1: Identify the Specific Periodical Returns Applicable to the NBFC-ND

Step 2: Review the RBI Guidelines and Requirements for Each Return

Step 3: Gather Relevant Financial Data and Information

Step 4: Prepare and Draft the Periodical Returns

Step 5: Perform Internal Audits and Checks to Ensure Accuracy

Step 6: Obtain Necessary Approvals and Signatures

Step 7: Submit the Periodical Returns to RBI within the Specified Timeline

Step 8: Follow Up on RBI’s Feedback and Clarifications, if Any

Step 9: Maintain Proper Records of Submitted Returns

Step 10: Periodic Review and Updating of Returns as Per RBI Changes.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about RBI regulations and compliance for NBFC-ND entities, please click here.

8. ISIN generation and Corporate action for Unlisted Debt Securities


9. Dematerializations

Dematerialization, commonly known as “Demat,” is the process of converting physical certificates of securities, such as shares, bonds, and debentures, into electronic or digital form. The Dematerialization process facilitates electronic trading and holding of securities, eliminating the need for physical certificates. In India, the Demat process is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

The Dematerialization of securities offers several benefits, including enhanced security, ease of transfer, and reduced paperwork. It also eliminates the risk of loss, theft, or damage associated with physical certificates. Dematerialized securities are held in a Demat account with a registered depository participant (DP), and transactions are executed electronically through stock exchanges.

At GAA Consulting, we assist individuals and entities in the Dematerialization process and provide guidance on complying with the regulatory requirements.

Steps involved are as follows

Step 1: Open a Demat Account: Choose a Depository Participant (DP) and open a Demat account to hold dematerialized securities.

Step 2: Submit Dematerialization Request: Submit physical certificates of securities to the DP along with a Dematerialization request form.

Step 3: Verification: The DP verifies the authenticity of the physical certificates and processes the Dematerialization request.

Step 4: Conversion to Electronic Form: Upon successful verification, the DP converts the physical certificates into electronic form and credits the dematerialized securities to the Demat account.

Step 5: Confirmation: The DP issues a confirmation statement to the account holder after completion of the Dematerialization process.

Step 6: Electronic Trading: The dematerialized securities can now be traded electronically through the Demat account.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Dematerialization and related services, please click here.

G Akshay Associates