1. Company/LLP formation

Today’s entrepreneurs like Company business structure the most because of its advantages. Picking the right company structure for your business is as important as any other business-related activity. The right business structure will allow your enterprise to operate efficiently and meet your required business targets. In India, every business must register themselves as part of the mandatory legal compliance. Selecting a business structure and its Formation in India is not tough when you have the best consultants by your side. With our guided expertise and you will see that you do not need to worry about a thing. So, go ahead set up a business structure in India without having to worry about a thing..

Detailing below, brief of how GAA Consulting would assist you with setting up your dream business: 

Step 1: Obtain Digital Signature Certificates for Directors and Subscribers 

Step 2: Obtain DIN for Proposed Directors 

Step 3: Selection of type of the company. 

Step 4: Selection of name for the proposed company. 

Step 5: Drafting of Memorandum and Articles of Association. 

Step 6: Stamping, digitally signing and creation of various documents for Incorporation. 

Step 7: Application for incorporation of a private company 

Step 8: Obtaining Certificate of Incorporation

Step 9: Obtaining Certificate of Commencement of business. 

Step 10: Registration under GST, PT and other authorities.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here 

To know more about Company/LLP formation, please click here

2. Conversion of Companies/LLPs

Converting the legal structure of a business from one form to another can be a crucial decision for entrepreneurs seeking to optimize their business operations or meet changing business needs. In India, the process of converting a company or LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) involves specific legal procedures and compliances. To ensure a seamless conversion without any legal complexities, expert guidance from experienced consultants like GAA Consulting can prove invaluable. Below is an outline of how GAA Consulting can assist you in the smooth conversion of your business in India:

Step 1: Evaluate Eligibility and Feasibility

Step 2: Obtain Director Identification Number (DIN)

Step 3: Drafting Conversion Plan

Step 4: Obtaining Necessary Approvals

Step 5: Drafting Amended Memorandum and Articles of Association

Step 6: Filing Conversion Application

Step 7: Obtaining Certificate of Conversion

Step 8: Complying with Post-conversion Requirements

Step 9: Tax and Compliance Considerations

To get in touch with GAA Consulting for guidance or advice on company/LLP conversion, please click here

To know more about Company/LLP conversion, please click here.

3. Periodical returns

Periodical returns are crucial compliance requirements that businesses in India must adhere to in order to ensure transparency, accountability, and adherence to applicable laws and regulations. Filing these returns at regular intervals is essential to keep the government authorities informed about the business’s financial and operational activities. GAA Consulting offers expert guidance to help businesses meet their periodical return obligations effectively. Here is an outline of how GAA Consulting can assist you in managing your periodical returns in India:

Step 1: Identification of Applicable Returns

Step 2: Understanding Filing Frequency and Due Dates

Step 3: Data Compilation and Preparation

Step 4: Accurate and Timely Filings

Step 5: Record Maintenance

Step 6: Compliance Review

Step 7: Addressing Notices and Queries

Step 8: Staying Updated with Regulatory Changes

To get in touch with GAA Consulting for guidance or advice on managing your periodical returns, please click here

To know more about Periodical Returns, please click here.

4. Closure of Companies/LLP

Closing down a company or LLP in India is a crucial process that requires compliance with specific legal procedures. The closure may be voluntary or involuntary, depending on the situation. Properly shutting down the business is essential to avoid any legal consequences or liabilities in the future. 

GAA Consulting provides expert guidance to streamline the closure process and ensure compliance with all legal requirements.

Step 1: Board Resolution for Closure

Step 2:Obtain Consent of Creditors

Step 3: File Application for Striking Off (For Dormant Companies/LLPs)

Step 4:Publish Public Notice (For LLP)

Step 5: File Closure Documents with Registrar of Companies

Step 6: Obtain Closure Certificate

Step 7: Settlement of Liabilities and Assets

Step 8: Surrender of Registrations and Licenses

Step 9: Filing of Final Returns

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here 

To know more about Company/LLP closure, please click here

5. Revival of Companies/LLP

When a company or LLP in India becomes dormant or gets struck off due to non-compliance, revival becomes imperative to resume operations or rectify the non-compliance issues. The process involves meticulous legal procedures and adherence to statutory requirements. GAA Consulting specializes in providing expert guidance for the revival of dormant or struck-off entities. With our comprehensive assistance, you can navigate through the complexities of revival and restore your business back to operation.

Step 1: Review of Company/LLP Status

Step 2: Obtain Director Identification Number (DIN) and Digital Signature Certificates (DSC)

Step 3: Rectify Non-Compliances

Step 4: Preparation of Revival Application

Step 5: Obtaining Necessary Approvals

Step 6: Filing Revival Application with Appropriate Authorities

Step 7: Compliance with Orders and Directions

Step 8: Public Notice (For Companies)

Step 9: Restoration of Name in Registrar of Companies

Step 10: Completion of Post-Revival Formalities.

Please get in touch with us for any queries or guidance regarding the revival of your company or LLP.

We are here to help you through the entire process and ensure a smooth and successful revival. To contact us, click here.

6. Certification services

At GAA Consulting, one of our primary certification services is to validate the accuracy and compliance of returns filed with the Ministry. Organizations and businesses are required to submit various returns to government authorities, and ensuring their accuracy is essential to meet regulatory obligations.


Our certification process for returns involves meticulous evaluation and assessment of the filed returns, verifying their correctness and adherence to applicable laws and regulations. By obtaining our certification, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to transparency and legal compliance, gaining the trust of stakeholders and regulatory authorities.

Here are the Steps involved in our Returns Certification Services:

Step 1: Identify Relevant Returns

Step 2: Thorough Examination of Filed Returns

Step 3: Validate Accuracy and Compliance

Step 4: Issue Returns Certification Report

Step 5: Address Any Discrepancies or Non-compliance (if required)

Step 6: Obtain Certified Returns Acknowledgment

Step 7: Periodic Audits for Ongoing Compliance (if applicable).

Certification services are essential for businesses and organizations to validate their adherence to specific standards and regulations. These certifications cover a wide range of areas, including quality management, environmental responsibility, data security, and more. The process involves identifying the relevant standard, preparing for assessment, conducting evaluations and audits, and implementing corrective actions if needed. Successful certification enhances credibility, instills customer trust, and provides a competitive edge in the market.

At GAA Consulting, we offer expert guidance to help organizations navigate the certification process and achieve industry-recognized certifications. Our comprehensive certification services extend beyond returns to various aspects of business operations, ensuring our clients’ success in a highly competitive landscape.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here

To know more about Certification Services, please click here.

7. Secretarial Audit

Secretarial Audit is a comprehensive examination of a company’s compliance with various statutory and regulatory requirements, ensuring adherence to corporate governance and legal norms. It assesses the company’s records, processes, and compliances, providing an assurance of transparency and accountability to stakeholders. Secretarial Audit is mandatory for certain class of companies under the Companies Act, 2013, and offers valuable insights into potential risks and areas for improvement.

Step 1: Appointing a Qualified Secretarial Auditor

Step 2: Gathering Relevant Documents and Records

Step 3: Conducting an In-Depth Audit

Step 4: Identifying Non-Compliances and Irregularities

Step 5: Preparing the Secretarial Audit Report

Step 6: Presenting the Findings to the Board of Directors

Step 7: Implementing Corrective Actions (if required)

Step 8: Filing the Audit Report with the Authorities

Step 9: Periodic Secretarial Audits (if applicable)

Step 10: Improving Corporate Governance and Compliance.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Secretarial Audit, please click here.

8. Due Diligence reports

Due Diligence reports are comprehensive assessments conducted to evaluate the financial, legal, and operational aspects of a business or investment opportunity. These reports provide valuable insights to stakeholders, helping them make informed decisions and mitigate risks. Due Diligence is crucial in mergers and acquisitions, investments, partnerships, and other critical business transactions.

Step 1: Identify the Purpose and Scope of Due Diligence

Step 2: Collect Relevant Financial and Legal Documents

Step 3: Analyze Financial Statements and Performance Metrics

Step 4: Review Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Step 5: Assess Operational Processes and Risks

Step 6: Identify Potential Liabilities and Contingencies

Step 7: Evaluate Intellectual Property and Contracts

Step 8: Prepare a Comprehensive Due Diligence Report

Step 9: Present Findings to Stakeholders

Step 10: Utilize Report for Informed Decision-Making.

Step 11 : Implementing Corrective Actions (if required )

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Due Diligence reports, please click here.

9. Search Reports

Search reports are essential tools used to gather relevant information about a particular subject or entity. These reports are conducted to obtain comprehensive data, validate facts, and ensure transparency in various business transactions and legal proceedings. Search reports play a crucial role in decision-making processes such as mergers and acquisitions, property transactions, financial assessments, and legal disputes. By conducting thorough searches and analyzing the obtained data, stakeholders can make well-informed and risk-mitigated choices.

Step 1: Define the Scope of the Search

Step 2: Identify the Relevant Databases and Sources

Step 3: Gather Information and Records

Step 4: Verify the Accuracy and Authenticity of Data

Step 5: Analyze the Findings and Identify Key Insights

Step 6: Prepare a Comprehensive Search Report

Step 7: Present the Report to Stakeholders

Step 8: Utilize the Report for Decision-Making

Step 9: Keep the Report Updated (if necessary)

Step 10: Ensure Compliance with Legal and Ethical Guidelines.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Search Reports, please click here.

10. Certificates/reports under Companies Act

Under the Companies Act, certain certificates and reports are mandated to ensure compliance, transparency, and accountability within companies. These certificates and reports serve as official documents that verify specific aspects of a company’s operations, financials, and governance. They are critical for meeting statutory obligations, obtaining approvals, and providing crucial information to stakeholders and regulatory authorities.

Step 1: Identify the Specific Certificate/Report Required

Step 2: Gather Relevant Data and Information

Step 3: Prepare the Certificate/Report as per Statutory Guidelines

Step 4: Ensure Accuracy and Completeness of Information

Step 5: Obtain Necessary Approvals (if applicable)

Step 6: Submit the Certificate/Report to the Relevant Authorities

Step 7: Maintain Records and Documentation

Step 8: Periodic Renewal or Updates (if required)

Step 9: Implement Corrective Actions (if any discrepancies are identified)

Step 10: Utilize the Certificate/Report for Compliance and Decision-making.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Certificates/Reports under Companies Act, please click here.

11. Certificates/reports under Limited Liability Act

The Limited Liability Act governs the formation and operation of Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), providing them with the flexibility of a partnership and the limited liability protection of a corporation. As part of the regulatory requirements, LLCs may be required to obtain and submit various certificates and reports to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of the Limited Liability Act.

These certificates and reports play a crucial role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and compliance within the organization. They may cover aspects such as company formation, changes in ownership or management, financial status, tax filings, and adherence to legal obligations.

At GAA Consulting, we specialize in providing assistance to LLCs in obtaining the required certificates and preparing reports in compliance with the Limited Liability Act. Our expert team ensures that these certificates and reports are accurate, complete, and submitted within the specified timelines.

Step 1: Identify the Specific Certificates/Reports Applicable to the LLC

Step 2: Review the Limited Liability Act and Relevant Regulations

Step 3: Gather Relevant Company Information and Financial Data

Step 4: Prepare and Draft the Required Certificates/Reports

Step 5: Perform Internal Audits and Checks to Ensure Accuracy

Step 6: Obtain Necessary Approvals and Signatures

Step 7: Submit the Certificates/Reports to the Appropriate Authorities or Regulatory Bodies

Step 8: Follow Up on Feedback or Clarifications, if Any

Step 9: Maintain Proper Records of Submitted Certificates/Reports

Step 10: Periodic Review and Updating of Certificates/Reports as Per Regulatory Changes.

At GAA Consulting, we understand the importance of complying with the Limited Liability Act and offer expert guidance to help LLCs navigate through the complexities of obtaining certificates and submitting reports. Our experienced team ensures that LLCs meet their regulatory requirements and operate in a responsible and compliant manner.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Limited Liability Act and compliance services, please click here.

12. Appointment of Directors/KMPs

The appointment of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel (KMPs) is a critical process for companies in compliance with the Companies Act. Directors play a pivotal role in corporate governance, decision-making, and ensuring the company’s success. KMPs, on the other hand, hold key executive positions and contribute significantly to the company’s day-to-day operations and compliance. Properly appointing Directors and KMPs is essential to ensure the company’s efficient functioning and adherence to legal requirements.

Step 1: Identify the Need for Directors/KMPs

Step 2: Evaluate Eligibility and Qualifications

Step 3: Obtain Director Identification Number (DIN)

Step 4: Appoint Directors/KMPs in Meetings

Step 5: Draft Appointment Letters and Agreements

Step 6: File Relevant Forms with Registrar of Companies (ROC)

Step 7: Update Company Records and Registers

Step 8: Comply with Disclosure Requirements

Step 9: Intimate Relevant Authorities and Regulatory Bodies

Step 10: Facilitate Onboarding and Orientation.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Appointment of Directors/KMPs, please click here.

13. Shifting of Registered Office

Shifting the registered office of a company is a significant step that requires compliance with legal procedures and regulatory requirements. The registered office is the official address where the company’s records and communications are maintained. Companies may decide to change their registered office for various reasons, such as proximity to customers, operational needs, or strategic considerations. Properly executing the process of shifting the registered office ensures seamless continuity of business operations and compliance with statutory norms.

There are three categories of shifting namely 

  • Shifting Within the Same City
  • Shifting from One ROC to Another in the Same State
  • Shifting Between States

Shifting Within the Same City:

Step 1: Check the Articles of Association and MOA

Step 2: Conduct Board Meeting to Approve the Shifting

Step 3: Inform ROC and Obtain No Objection Certificates (NOCs)

Step 4: File Application with ROC for Shifting

Step 5: Update the New Address in All Company Documents

Step 6: Amend the MOA and AOA (if necessary)

Step 7: Update Company’s Website and Stationery

Step 8: Notify Stakeholders and Authorities

Step 9: Obtain Confirmation of Successful Shifting.

Shifting from One ROC to Another in the Same State:

Follow the same steps as in “Shifting Within the Same City” with additional requirements, if any, as per state-specific regulations.

Shifting Between States:

Follow all the steps in “Shifting Within the Same City” and “Shifting from One ROC to Another in the Same State.”

Additional compliance and formalities as per the Companies Act and the respective states’ rules.

At GAA Consulting, we understand the complexities involved in shifting a company’s registered office. Our expert team offers comprehensive guidance and support for each category of shifting, ensuring that companies meet all legal requirements and successfully complete the shifting process.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Shifting of Registered Office, please click here.

14. Alteration of LLP Agreement

The LLP Agreement is a crucial document that governs the internal functioning, rights, and obligations of the partners in a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). However, as the business evolves or circumstances change, there may be a need to alter the LLP Agreement to accommodate new terms, provisions, or structural changes. The alteration process requires adherence to legal requirements and obtaining consent from all partners to ensure transparency and mutual understanding.

Step 1: Review Existing LLP Agreement

Step 2: Identify the Need for Alteration

Step 3: Conduct Partners’ Meeting to Propose Changes

Step 4: Obtain requisite Consent of Partners

Step 5: Draft Supplementary Agreement or Amend Existing Agreement

Step 6: File the Required Form with the Registrar of Companies (ROC)

Step 7: Pay Applicable Fees for Alteration

Step 8: Update LLP’s Records and Registers

Step 9: Inform Relevant Authorities (if required)

Step 10: Ensure Compliance with Legal Requirements.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Alteration of LLP Agreement, please click here.

15. Creation of Charges

Creating charges refers to the process of securing assets or properties of a company against loans or debts taken from financial institutions or lenders. The creation of charges provides lenders with a legal right to recover their dues in case of default. It is an essential step to ensure creditworthiness and trustworthiness in financial transactions.

Step 1: Determine the Assets to be Charged

Step 2: Obtain Consent of Board of Directors

Step 3: Prepare and Execute Charge Documents / vetting of agreements already drafted

Step 4: Stamp the Charge Documents

Step 5: File Required Forms with Registrar of Companies (ROC)

Step 6: Pay Applicable Fees for Registration

Step 7: Obtain Certificate of Registration of Charge

Step 8: Maintain Records of Charges in the Register

Step 9: Comply with Periodic Reporting .

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Creation of Charges, please click here.

The satisfaction of charges refers to the process of releasing or discharging the security interest created on the assets of a company. When a loan or debt is fully repaid or settled, the lender is required to release the charge on the assets of the company. This process ensures that the company’s assets are free from any encumbrance and can be used for other purposes or future financial transactions.

Step 1: Repayment of Loan or Debt

Step 2: Obtain No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Lender

Step 3: Prepare and Execute Satisfaction of Charge Documents

Step 4: File Required Forms with Registrar of Companies (ROC)

Step 5: Pay Applicable Fees for Registration

Step 6: Obtain Certificate of Satisfaction of Charge

Step 7: Update Company’s Records and Registers

Step 9: Ensure Compliance with Legal Requirements.

Successfully completing the satisfaction of charges process is crucial to maintaining the company’s financial credibility and reputation. It signifies the fulfillment of financial obligations and establishes trust with potential lenders and stakeholders. It is essential to follow the prescribed legal procedures and obtain all necessary documentation to ensure a smooth and valid discharge of charges.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Satisfaction of Charges, please click here.

1. Company/LLP formation

Today’s entrepreneurs like Company business structure the most because of its advantages. Picking the right company structure for your business is as important as any other business-related activity. The right business structure will allow your enterprise to operate efficiently and meet your required business targets. In India, every business must register themselves as part of the mandatory legal compliance. Selecting a business structure and its Formation in India is not tough when you have the best consultants by your side. With our guided expertise and you will see that you do not need to worry about a thing. So, go ahead set up a business structure in India without having to worry about a thing..

Detailing below, brief of how GAA Consulting would assist you with setting up your dream business: 

Step 1: Obtain Digital Signature Certificates for Directors and Subscribers 

Step 2: Obtain DIN for Proposed Directors 

Step 3: Selection of type of the company. 

Step 4: Selection of name for the proposed company. 

Step 5: Drafting of Memorandum and Articles of Association. 

Step 6: Stamping, digitally signing and creation of various documents for Incorporation. 

Step 7: Application for incorporation of a private company 

Step 8: Obtaining Certificate of Incorporation

Step 9: Obtaining Certificate of Commencement of business. 

Step 10: Registration under GST, PT and other authorities.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here 

To know more about Company/LLP formation, please click here

2. Conversion of Companies/LLPs

Converting the legal structure of a business from one form to another can be a crucial decision for entrepreneurs seeking to optimize their business operations or meet changing business needs. In India, the process of converting a company or LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) involves specific legal procedures and compliances. To ensure a seamless conversion without any legal complexities, expert guidance from experienced consultants like GAA Consulting can prove invaluable. Below is an outline of how GAA Consulting can assist you in the smooth conversion of your business in India:

Step 1: Evaluate Eligibility and Feasibility

Step 2: Obtain Director Identification Number (DIN)

Step 3: Drafting Conversion Plan

Step 4: Obtaining Necessary Approvals

Step 5: Drafting Amended Memorandum and Articles of Association

Step 6: Filing Conversion Application

Step 7: Obtaining Certificate of Conversion

Step 8: Complying with Post-conversion Requirements

Step 9: Tax and Compliance Considerations

To get in touch with GAA Consulting for guidance or advice on company/LLP conversion, please click here

To know more about Company/LLP conversion, please click here.

3. Periodical returns

Periodical returns are crucial compliance requirements that businesses in India must adhere to in order to ensure transparency, accountability, and adherence to applicable laws and regulations. Filing these returns at regular intervals is essential to keep the government authorities informed about the business’s financial and operational activities. GAA Consulting offers expert guidance to help businesses meet their periodical return obligations effectively. Here is an outline of how GAA Consulting can assist you in managing your periodical returns in India:

Step 1: Identification of Applicable Returns

Step 2: Understanding Filing Frequency and Due Dates

Step 3: Data Compilation and Preparation

Step 4: Accurate and Timely Filings

Step 5: Record Maintenance

Step 6: Compliance Review

Step 7: Addressing Notices and Queries

Step 8: Staying Updated with Regulatory Changes

To get in touch with GAA Consulting for guidance or advice on managing your periodical returns, please click here

To know more about Periodical Returns, please click here.

4. Closure of Companies/LLP

Closing down a company or LLP in India is a crucial process that requires compliance with specific legal procedures. The closure may be voluntary or involuntary, depending on the situation. Properly shutting down the business is essential to avoid any legal consequences or liabilities in the future. 

GAA Consulting provides expert guidance to streamline the closure process and ensure compliance with all legal requirements.

Step 1: Board Resolution for Closure

Step 2:Obtain Consent of Creditors

Step 3: File Application for Striking Off (For Dormant Companies/LLPs)

Step 4:Publish Public Notice (For LLP)

Step 5: File Closure Documents with Registrar of Companies

Step 6: Obtain Closure Certificate

Step 7: Settlement of Liabilities and Assets

Step 8: Surrender of Registrations and Licenses

Step 9: Filing of Final Returns

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here 

To know more about Company/LLP closure, please click here

5. Revival of Companies/LLP

When a company or LLP in India becomes dormant or gets struck off due to non-compliance, revival becomes imperative to resume operations or rectify the non-compliance issues. The process involves meticulous legal procedures and adherence to statutory requirements. GAA Consulting specializes in providing expert guidance for the revival of dormant or struck-off entities. With our comprehensive assistance, you can navigate through the complexities of revival and restore your business back to operation.

Step 1: Review of Company/LLP Status

Step 2: Obtain Director Identification Number (DIN) and Digital Signature Certificates (DSC)

Step 3: Rectify Non-Compliances

Step 4: Preparation of Revival Application

Step 5: Obtaining Necessary Approvals

Step 6: Filing Revival Application with Appropriate Authorities

Step 7: Compliance with Orders and Directions

Step 8: Public Notice (For Companies)

Step 9: Restoration of Name in Registrar of Companies

Step 10: Completion of Post-Revival Formalities.

Please get in touch with us for any queries or guidance regarding the revival of your company or LLP.

We are here to help you through the entire process and ensure a smooth and successful revival. To contact us, click here.

6. Certification services

At GAA Consulting, one of our primary certification services is to validate the accuracy and compliance of returns filed with the Ministry. Organizations and businesses are required to submit various returns to government authorities, and ensuring their accuracy is essential to meet regulatory obligations.


Our certification process for returns involves meticulous evaluation and assessment of the filed returns, verifying their correctness and adherence to applicable laws and regulations. By obtaining our certification, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to transparency and legal compliance, gaining the trust of stakeholders and regulatory authorities.

Here are the Steps involved in our Returns Certification Services:

Step 1: Identify Relevant Returns

Step 2: Thorough Examination of Filed Returns

Step 3: Validate Accuracy and Compliance

Step 4: Issue Returns Certification Report

Step 5: Address Any Discrepancies or Non-compliance (if required)

Step 6: Obtain Certified Returns Acknowledgment

Step 7: Periodic Audits for Ongoing Compliance (if applicable).

Certification services are essential for businesses and organizations to validate their adherence to specific standards and regulations. These certifications cover a wide range of areas, including quality management, environmental responsibility, data security, and more. The process involves identifying the relevant standard, preparing for assessment, conducting evaluations and audits, and implementing corrective actions if needed. Successful certification enhances credibility, instills customer trust, and provides a competitive edge in the market.

At GAA Consulting, we offer expert guidance to help organizations navigate the certification process and achieve industry-recognized certifications. Our comprehensive certification services extend beyond returns to various aspects of business operations, ensuring our clients’ success in a highly competitive landscape.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here

To know more about Certification Services, please click here.

7. Secretarial Audit

Secretarial Audit is a comprehensive examination of a company’s compliance with various statutory and regulatory requirements, ensuring adherence to corporate governance and legal norms. It assesses the company’s records, processes, and compliances, providing an assurance of transparency and accountability to stakeholders. Secretarial Audit is mandatory for certain class of companies under the Companies Act, 2013, and offers valuable insights into potential risks and areas for improvement.

Step 1: Appointing a Qualified Secretarial Auditor

Step 2: Gathering Relevant Documents and Records

Step 3: Conducting an In-Depth Audit

Step 4: Identifying Non-Compliances and Irregularities

Step 5: Preparing the Secretarial Audit Report

Step 6: Presenting the Findings to the Board of Directors

Step 7: Implementing Corrective Actions (if required)

Step 8: Filing the Audit Report with the Authorities

Step 9: Periodic Secretarial Audits (if applicable)

Step 10: Improving Corporate Governance and Compliance.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Secretarial Audit, please click here.

8. Due Diligence reports

Due Diligence reports are comprehensive assessments conducted to evaluate the financial, legal, and operational aspects of a business or investment opportunity. These reports provide valuable insights to stakeholders, helping them make informed decisions and mitigate risks. Due Diligence is crucial in mergers and acquisitions, investments, partnerships, and other critical business transactions.

Step 1: Identify the Purpose and Scope of Due Diligence

Step 2: Collect Relevant Financial and Legal Documents

Step 3: Analyze Financial Statements and Performance Metrics

Step 4: Review Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Step 5: Assess Operational Processes and Risks

Step 6: Identify Potential Liabilities and Contingencies

Step 7: Evaluate Intellectual Property and Contracts

Step 8: Prepare a Comprehensive Due Diligence Report

Step 9: Present Findings to Stakeholders

Step 10: Utilize Report for Informed Decision-Making.

Step 11 : Implementing Corrective Actions (if required )

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Due Diligence reports, please click here.

9. Search Reports

Search reports are essential tools used to gather relevant information about a particular subject or entity. These reports are conducted to obtain comprehensive data, validate facts, and ensure transparency in various business transactions and legal proceedings. Search reports play a crucial role in decision-making processes such as mergers and acquisitions, property transactions, financial assessments, and legal disputes. By conducting thorough searches and analyzing the obtained data, stakeholders can make well-informed and risk-mitigated choices.

Step 1: Define the Scope of the Search

Step 2: Identify the Relevant Databases and Sources

Step 3: Gather Information and Records

Step 4: Verify the Accuracy and Authenticity of Data

Step 5: Analyze the Findings and Identify Key Insights

Step 6: Prepare a Comprehensive Search Report

Step 7: Present the Report to Stakeholders

Step 8: Utilize the Report for Decision-Making

Step 9: Keep the Report Updated (if necessary)

Step 10: Ensure Compliance with Legal and Ethical Guidelines.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Search Reports, please click here.

10. Certificates/reports under Companies Act

Under the Companies Act, certain certificates and reports are mandated to ensure compliance, transparency, and accountability within companies. These certificates and reports serve as official documents that verify specific aspects of a company’s operations, financials, and governance. They are critical for meeting statutory obligations, obtaining approvals, and providing crucial information to stakeholders and regulatory authorities.

Step 1: Identify the Specific Certificate/Report Required

Step 2: Gather Relevant Data and Information

Step 3: Prepare the Certificate/Report as per Statutory Guidelines

Step 4: Ensure Accuracy and Completeness of Information

Step 5: Obtain Necessary Approvals (if applicable)

Step 6: Submit the Certificate/Report to the Relevant Authorities

Step 7: Maintain Records and Documentation

Step 8: Periodic Renewal or Updates (if required)

Step 9: Implement Corrective Actions (if any discrepancies are identified)

Step 10: Utilize the Certificate/Report for Compliance and Decision-making.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Certificates/Reports under Companies Act, please click here.

11. Certificates/reports under Limited Liability Act

The Limited Liability Act governs the formation and operation of Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), providing them with the flexibility of a partnership and the limited liability protection of a corporation. As part of the regulatory requirements, LLCs may be required to obtain and submit various certificates and reports to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of the Limited Liability Act.

These certificates and reports play a crucial role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and compliance within the organization. They may cover aspects such as company formation, changes in ownership or management, financial status, tax filings, and adherence to legal obligations.

At GAA Consulting, we specialize in providing assistance to LLCs in obtaining the required certificates and preparing reports in compliance with the Limited Liability Act. Our expert team ensures that these certificates and reports are accurate, complete, and submitted within the specified timelines.

Step 1: Identify the Specific Certificates/Reports Applicable to the LLC

Step 2: Review the Limited Liability Act and Relevant Regulations

Step 3: Gather Relevant Company Information and Financial Data

Step 4: Prepare and Draft the Required Certificates/Reports

Step 5: Perform Internal Audits and Checks to Ensure Accuracy

Step 6: Obtain Necessary Approvals and Signatures

Step 7: Submit the Certificates/Reports to the Appropriate Authorities or Regulatory Bodies

Step 8: Follow Up on Feedback or Clarifications, if Any

Step 9: Maintain Proper Records of Submitted Certificates/Reports

Step 10: Periodic Review and Updating of Certificates/Reports as Per Regulatory Changes.

At GAA Consulting, we understand the importance of complying with the Limited Liability Act and offer expert guidance to help LLCs navigate through the complexities of obtaining certificates and submitting reports. Our experienced team ensures that LLCs meet their regulatory requirements and operate in a responsible and compliant manner.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Limited Liability Act and compliance services, please click here.

12. Appointment of Directors/KMPs

The appointment of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel (KMPs) is a critical process for companies in compliance with the Companies Act. Directors play a pivotal role in corporate governance, decision-making, and ensuring the company’s success. KMPs, on the other hand, hold key executive positions and contribute significantly to the company’s day-to-day operations and compliance. Properly appointing Directors and KMPs is essential to ensure the company’s efficient functioning and adherence to legal requirements.

Step 1: Identify the Need for Directors/KMPs

Step 2: Evaluate Eligibility and Qualifications

Step 3: Obtain Director Identification Number (DIN)

Step 4: Appoint Directors/KMPs in Meetings

Step 5: Draft Appointment Letters and Agreements

Step 6: File Relevant Forms with Registrar of Companies (ROC)

Step 7: Update Company Records and Registers

Step 8: Comply with Disclosure Requirements

Step 9: Intimate Relevant Authorities and Regulatory Bodies

Step 10: Facilitate Onboarding and Orientation.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Appointment of Directors/KMPs, please click here.

13. Shifting of Registered Office

Shifting the registered office of a company is a significant step that requires compliance with legal procedures and regulatory requirements. The registered office is the official address where the company’s records and communications are maintained. Companies may decide to change their registered office for various reasons, such as proximity to customers, operational needs, or strategic considerations. Properly executing the process of shifting the registered office ensures seamless continuity of business operations and compliance with statutory norms.

There are three categories of shifting namely 

  • Shifting Within the Same City
  • Shifting from One ROC to Another in the Same State
  • Shifting Between States

Shifting Within the Same City:

Step 1: Check the Articles of Association and MOA

Step 2: Conduct Board Meeting to Approve the Shifting

Step 3: Inform ROC and Obtain No Objection Certificates (NOCs)

Step 4: File Application with ROC for Shifting

Step 5: Update the New Address in All Company Documents

Step 6: Amend the MOA and AOA (if necessary)

Step 7: Update Company’s Website and Stationery

Step 8: Notify Stakeholders and Authorities

Step 9: Obtain Confirmation of Successful Shifting.

Shifting from One ROC to Another in the Same State:

Follow the same steps as in “Shifting Within the Same City” with additional requirements, if any, as per state-specific regulations.

Shifting Between States:

Follow all the steps in “Shifting Within the Same City” and “Shifting from One ROC to Another in the Same State.”

Additional compliance and formalities as per the Companies Act and the respective states’ rules.

At GAA Consulting, we understand the complexities involved in shifting a company’s registered office. Our expert team offers comprehensive guidance and support for each category of shifting, ensuring that companies meet all legal requirements and successfully complete the shifting process.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Shifting of Registered Office, please click here.

14. Alteration of LLP Agreement

The LLP Agreement is a crucial document that governs the internal functioning, rights, and obligations of the partners in a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). However, as the business evolves or circumstances change, there may be a need to alter the LLP Agreement to accommodate new terms, provisions, or structural changes. The alteration process requires adherence to legal requirements and obtaining consent from all partners to ensure transparency and mutual understanding.

Step 1: Review Existing LLP Agreement

Step 2: Identify the Need for Alteration

Step 3: Conduct Partners’ Meeting to Propose Changes

Step 4: Obtain requisite Consent of Partners

Step 5: Draft Supplementary Agreement or Amend Existing Agreement

Step 6: File the Required Form with the Registrar of Companies (ROC)

Step 7: Pay Applicable Fees for Alteration

Step 8: Update LLP’s Records and Registers

Step 9: Inform Relevant Authorities (if required)

Step 10: Ensure Compliance with Legal Requirements.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Alteration of LLP Agreement, please click here.

15. Creation of Charges

Creating charges refers to the process of securing assets or properties of a company against loans or debts taken from financial institutions or lenders. The creation of charges provides lenders with a legal right to recover their dues in case of default. It is an essential step to ensure creditworthiness and trustworthiness in financial transactions.

Step 1: Determine the Assets to be Charged

Step 2: Obtain Consent of Board of Directors

Step 3: Prepare and Execute Charge Documents / vetting of agreements already drafted

Step 4: Stamp the Charge Documents

Step 5: File Required Forms with Registrar of Companies (ROC)

Step 6: Pay Applicable Fees for Registration

Step 7: Obtain Certificate of Registration of Charge

Step 8: Maintain Records of Charges in the Register

Step 9: Comply with Periodic Reporting .

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Creation of Charges, please click here.

The satisfaction of charges refers to the process of releasing or discharging the security interest created on the assets of a company. When a loan or debt is fully repaid or settled, the lender is required to release the charge on the assets of the company. This process ensures that the company’s assets are free from any encumbrance and can be used for other purposes or future financial transactions.

Step 1: Repayment of Loan or Debt

Step 2: Obtain No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Lender

Step 3: Prepare and Execute Satisfaction of Charge Documents

Step 4: File Required Forms with Registrar of Companies (ROC)

Step 5: Pay Applicable Fees for Registration

Step 6: Obtain Certificate of Satisfaction of Charge

Step 7: Update Company’s Records and Registers

Step 9: Ensure Compliance with Legal Requirements.

Successfully completing the satisfaction of charges process is crucial to maintaining the company’s financial credibility and reputation. It signifies the fulfillment of financial obligations and establishes trust with potential lenders and stakeholders. It is essential to follow the prescribed legal procedures and obtain all necessary documentation to ensure a smooth and valid discharge of charges.

To get in touch with us for guidance or advice, please click here.

To know more about Satisfaction of Charges, please click here.

G Akshay Associates