Commercial Paper Issuance

Have you ever wondered how businesses secure short-term financing to meet their operational needs? The answer lies in the world of commercial papers, a financial instrument that plays a vital role in the corporate finance landscape in today’s world. Often referred to as CPs, these are short-term debt securities issued by corporations to raise funds in a short span of time. They are a crucial part of the money market as they offer an efficient way for companies to access capital for purposes such as funding working capital, covering unforeseen expenses, or seizing investment opportunities. Their simplicity and flexibility is what makes them an attractive option for both issuers and investors alike.

What are commercial papers

Commercial papers are a vital component of the money market, serving as a source of short-term financing for various entities. These debt instruments typically have maturities ranging from a few days to a year, making them a flexible tool for meeting short-term financial obligations.

Corporations often use commercial papers to cover operational expenses, bridge funding gaps, or finance inventory and accounts receivable. Financial institutions, including banks and investment companies, also issue CPs to manage their short-term liquidity needs. In some cases, even governments may issue CPs when they require immediate funds to address short-term budgetary shortfalls.

Following are some of the most prominent features of commercial papers-:

Short-Term Maturity-: Commercial papers have a maturity period ranging from a few days to a maximum of 270 days, making them ideal for short-term financing needs.

Issued at a Discount-: They are typically issued at a discount to their face value, and investors earn interest by purchasing them at a lower price and receiving the face value upon maturity.

Low Default Risk-: Commercial papers are usually issued by well-established, creditworthy entities, minimizing the risk of default, which makes them attractive to investors.

Liquidity-: They are highly liquid assets, as they can be easily bought and sold in the secondary market before their maturity date.

Minimum Regulatory Requirements-: Commercial papers offer flexibility to issuers as they have fewer regulatory requirements compared to other forms of debt, making them a convenient source of short-term funding.

Types of Commercial Papers

Just like any other financial instrument, commercial papers are of different types and each one of them serves a different purpose-: 

Promissory Notes-: Promissory notes are legally binding documents used in financial transactions. In a promissory note, one party, known as the issuer or maker, makes an unconditional promise to pay a specific sum of money to another party, known as the payee, on a predetermined future date. These notes can be either secured or unsecured, depending on whether they are backed by collateral. Promissory notes are commonly used in various financial transactions, including personal loans, business transactions, and real estate deals.

Certificates of Deposit (CDs)-: Certificates of Deposit are time deposits offered by banks and other financial institutions. When an individual or entity purchases a CD, they agree to deposit a specific amount of money for a fixed term, ranging from a few months to several years. In return, they receive a predetermined interest rate, often higher than regular savings accounts. CDs are considered low-risk investments because they are insured by the FDIC in the United States, making them a safe option for preserving capital and earning interest.

Commercial Bills-: Commercial bills, also known as bills of exchange, are financial instruments commonly used in trade and commerce. They represent a written order from one party to another, directing the payment of a specified sum of money on a specified future date. Commercial bills facilitate trade transactions by providing a secure method for parties involved to ensure payment, making them a crucial component of international trade and finance.

Asset-Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP)-: Asset-Backed Commercial Paper is a short-term debt instrument that is backed by a pool of underlying assets, such as loans, receivables, or other financial assets. These underlying assets serve as collateral, providing a level of security for investors. ABCP is typically issued by special purpose vehicles (SPVs) and is popular among investors seeking short-term, high-quality, and relatively safe investment opportunities.

Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs)-: Non-Convertible Debentures are long-term debt securities issued by corporations to raise funds for various purposes, including expansion, working capital, or debt refinancing. Unlike convertible debentures, NCDs cannot be converted into equity shares. They offer fixed interest rates, and their terms can range from a few years to several decades. Investors receive periodic interest payments until maturity when they receive the principal amount.

Foreign Commercial Papers-: Foreign Commercial Papers are short-term debt instruments issued by foreign corporations or entities in the domestic financial markets of other countries. These instruments allow foreign entities to raise capital in a different currency or market. Investors in foreign commercial papers assess credit risk, exchange rate risk, and market conditions when considering these investments.

Bankers’ Acceptances-: Bankers’ Acceptances are short-term financial instruments commonly used in international trade transactions. They represent a guarantee by a bank that a buyer’s payment will be made to a seller at a future date. This financial instrument facilitates trade by providing assurance of payment to the seller, which can help expedite transactions.

Variable Rate Commercial Paper-: Variable Rate Commercial Paper is a short-term debt instrument with an interest rate that fluctuates over time. The interest rate is typically tied to a benchmark rate, such as the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), and may reset periodically, often every one to three months. Variable rate commercial paper offers flexibility for both issuers and investors, as it allows them to adapt to changing market interest rates.

How commercial papers work

This is how corporations use commercial papers as a means to raise quick funds : 

Issuance-: When corporations need short-term financing, they use commercial papers as a viable option. These papers are essentially unsecured promissory notes, which means the issuing corporation pledges to repay the investor the face value of the paper upon maturity. The issuer specifies important details, such as the face value (the amount to be repaid), the interest rate (referred to as the coupon rate), and the maturity date (when the paper will be repaid). The maturity date can range from just a few days to up to 270 days, making commercial papers a flexible source of short-term funding.

Selling to Investors-: To raise funds quickly, the issuers offer the papers for sale to institutional investors, which typically include banks, mutual funds, money market funds, and other corporations with excess cash reserves. Investors are attracted to commercial papers because they are considered relatively safe investments due to the issuer’s creditworthiness, and they provide a way to earn a return on surplus cash. Investors purchase these papers at a discount to their face value, effectively allowing them to buy the debt at a lower cost. The difference between the purchase price and the face value represents the interest earned by the investor when the paper matures.

Maturity and Repayment-: When the maturity date of the commercial paper arrives, the issuing corporation is obligated to repay the investor the full face value of the paper. For example, if an investor purchased a ₹100,000 commercial paper with a 90-day maturity and a 2% discount rate, they would receive ₹100,000 when the 90-day period concludes. The investor’s profit in this case would be the ₹2,000 discount from the purchase price to the face value. This repayment at maturity provides a source of quick and reliable financing for the issuing corporation. Commercial papers offer an attractive solution for both issuers in need of short-term capital and investors seeking a relatively low-risk and liquid investment option.

Who can issue commercial papers

The following bodies in India usually issue commercial papers-:

Corporates-: Indian corporations, both public and private, are allowed to issue commercial papers. Commercial papers serve as a flexible and efficient means for these businesses to meet their short-term financing needs. They are typically unsecured promissory notes that are issued at a discount to face value and have maturities ranging from 7 days to 1 year. Corporates can issue commercial papers to a wide range of investors, including institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals, making it a versatile tool for raising funds for various corporate purposes, such as working capital management or capital expenditure.

All-India Financial Institutions-: Certain All-India Financial Institutions, including entities like the Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) and Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), have the authority to issue commercial papers. These institutions play a pivotal role in fostering economic development and industrial growth by providing financial support to various sectors of the economy. By issuing commercial papers, they can efficiently mobilize short-term funds from the money market to meet their funding requirements and support their lending activities to industries and infrastructure projects.

Scheduled Commercial Banks-: Scheduled commercial banks are a crucial component of India’s financial system, and they are permitted to issue commercial papers. Commercial banks utilize commercial papers as part of their funding mix to manage their liquidity and meet short-term credit demands from corporate clients. This allows them to diversify their sources of funds and respond dynamically to fluctuations in the money market. Commercial papers issued by banks are considered safe investments by investors, given the credibility and stability associated with these financial institutions.

State Financial Corporations (SFCs)-: State Financial Corporations are specialized financial institutions established at the state level to promote and support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within their respective states. These corporations play a vital role in facilitating the growth of SMEs by providing them with various financial services. SFCs are eligible to issue commercial papers as a means of raising short-term funds to support their lending activities to SMEs, thereby contributing to the development of the local industrial and business landscape.

Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)-: Non-Banking Financial Companies registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) can issue commercial papers. NBFCs play a crucial role in extending credit and financial services to sectors and segments that may be underserved by traditional banks. Commercial papers offer NBFCs a cost-effective way to raise short-term funds and diversify their funding sources. This, in turn, enables them to cater to the diverse financial needs of consumers and businesses, including consumer finance, housing finance, and vehicle financing, among others.

Who can buy commercial papers in India

Commercial papers usually attract investments from the following sources in India-:

Eligible Investors-: Commercial papers in India are accessible to a wide range of investors, making them a versatile financial instrument. Scheduled commercial banks, which are the backbone of the country’s financial system, frequently invest in commercial papers as a means of deploying their surplus funds. Primary dealers, authorized and regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), play a pivotal role in the secondary market for these instruments. Mutual funds, acting on behalf of their unit holders, often include commercial papers in their portfolios as short-term investment options. Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) and insurance companies also engage in commercial paper investments, using them to generate returns and manage liquidity. Corporate treasuries, provident funds, pension funds, and high net worth individuals (HNIs) may participate as well, depending on their investment objectives and risk tolerance. This broad spectrum of investors contributes to the liquidity and accessibility of commercial papers in India’s financial markets.

Short-Term Investments-: Commercial papers are inherently designed for short-term investment purposes. These debt instruments come with relatively short maturities, typically ranging from as brief as 7 days to a maximum of 1 year. Investors are drawn to commercial papers when they seek safe, reliable avenues to park their surplus funds or generate returns over a brief timeframe. The short-term nature of these instruments aligns well with the liquidity requirements and risk preferences of investors looking for temporary deployment of funds, as opposed to long-term investments in bonds or equities. This feature makes commercial papers an essential component of India’s money market, catering to the needs of both issuers and investors.

Diversified Portfolio-: Institutional investors, such as mutual funds and corporate treasuries, strategically include commercial papers in their investment portfolios to diversify risk and optimize returns. These instruments offer an attractive balance between safety and returns, making them a valuable addition to a broader investment strategy. Mutual funds, for instance, leverage commercial papers to manage short-term liquidity and generate income for their unit holders. Corporate treasuries use them as part of their cash management strategy. By adding commercial papers to their portfolios, investors can mitigate risk exposure, enhance overall portfolio performance, and achieve a more balanced and diversified investment mix.

How to invest in commercial papers

Following is a detailed outline of the process of investing in commercial papers in India-:

Open a Demat Account-: A Demat account is an electronic repository for holding securities like stocks, bonds, and commercial papers. It eliminates the need for physical share certificates, making it a convenient and secure way to manage your investments. To open a Demat account, you’ll need to approach a registered Depository Participant (DP), which can be a bank or a financial institution. They will assist you in setting up the account, which typically involves providing personal identification documents, address proof, and a PAN card. This account is necessary as commercial papers are typically held in electronic form.

KYC Compliance-: KYC stands for Know Your Customer, and it’s a crucial regulatory requirement in the financial industry. It involves verifying the identity and address of investors to prevent fraud and ensure transparency in financial transactions. To stay KYC-compliant, you’ll need to provide valid identification documents, proof of address, and your Permanent Account Number (PAN) card. This ensures that you are a legitimate investor and allows your DP to comply with regulatory guidelines.

Choose a Broker or Financial Institution-: Selecting the right broker or financial institution is a crucial step. These intermediaries act as a link between you and the commercial paper market. It’s essential to choose a reputable one with a proven track record. Look for factors like their reputation, fees, customer service, and the range of investment options they offer. Some institutions might specialize in fixed-income products like commercial papers, making them a suitable choice for this type of investment.

Research and Select-: Research is a vital aspect of investing in commercial papers. Start by analyzing the available commercial papers based on various factors. Consider the credit rating of the issuing company, which reflects their financial stability and ability to repay the debt. Also, pay attention to the maturity period of the CPs, as it determines how long your funds will be tied up. Additionally, compare the interest rates offered by different CPs. Diversifying your investments by selecting CPs from various issuers can help spread risk.

Place Orders-: Once you’ve decided on the commercial papers you want to invest in, you’ll need to place orders through your chosen broker or financial institution. This involves specifying the quantity and terms of the CPs you wish to purchase. Your broker will execute these orders on your behalf in the market. Ensure that you communicate your preferences clearly and accurately to avoid any misunderstandings.

Documentation-: The documentation step involves completing the necessary paperwork to formalize your investment in commercial papers. You’ll typically need to fill out an application form provided by your broker or financial institution. This form will capture essential details like the CP issuer’s name, maturity date, face value, and the amount you wish to invest. It’s crucial to provide accurate information and review the documents before submission.

Monitor Your Investments-: After investing in commercial papers, your responsibilities don’t end. It’s essential to actively monitor your investments. Keep track of the maturity dates of your CPs to ensure you receive your principal amount and interest payments on time. Stay informed about the financial health of the companies issuing the CPs, as any adverse developments can affect your investment. Being proactive and vigilant is key to successful CP investing.

Advantages of Commercial Papers

Investing in commercial papers can yield several benefits that include-:

Certainly, let’s delve into each of the benefits of investing in commercial papers in more detail:

Safety of Principal-: One of the most significant advantages of investing in commercial papers is the safety of your principal investment. These papers are typically issued by large, well-established corporations with strong creditworthiness. Companies that issue commercial papers are usually rated by credit rating agencies, and they tend to have a solid financial standing. This means there is a lower risk of default compared to riskier assets like stocks or bonds from less stable companies. Investors can have confidence that they are likely to receive their initial investment back upon maturity, making commercial papers a relatively low-risk option.

Liquidity-: Commercial papers are highly liquid investments. This means they can be easily bought or sold in the secondary market. Investors can typically find buyers or sellers quickly, allowing for flexibility in managing their investment portfolio. This liquidity ensures that investors can access their funds when needed, making commercial papers a suitable choice for those who may require quick access to their money.

Diversification-: Diversification is a fundamental principle of investment strategy. Commercial papers offer an opportunity for diversification as they come from various issuers and industries. Investors can spread their risk by investing in papers from different companies, sectors, and credit ratings. This diversification can help mitigate the impact of adverse events that may affect a single company or industry. By holding a variety of commercial papers, investors can potentially enhance their overall returns while managing risk.

Short-Term Investment-: Commercial papers typically have short maturities, often ranging from a few days to a year. This short-term nature makes them ideal for investors seeking temporary parking of funds or those with specific financial goals in the near future. For individuals or organizations that need access to their capital relatively soon, commercial papers offer an attractive option to earn returns without locking in funds for an extended period.

Competitive Yields-: Despite their lower risk profile, commercial papers often offer competitive yields compared to other short-term investments. The interest rates on commercial papers are typically higher than those offered by savings accounts or certificates of deposit (CDs). This means investors can potentially earn a more attractive return on their investment while still enjoying a degree of safety. The combination of safety and competitive yields makes commercial papers an appealing choice for income-oriented investors.

Risks related to commercial papers

Although commercial papers offer several benefits that sound lucrative, they also carry with them some significant risks which are-: 

Credit Risk-: Commercial papers are essentially short-term IOUs issued by corporations. When you invest in them, you are lending money to these companies for a specified period, typically ranging from a few days to a few months. However, since commercial papers are unsecured, there’s a risk that the issuing company may not be able to repay the principal and interest when the paper matures. If the company faces financial difficulties, such as a drop in revenue, rising expenses, or a credit downgrade, it could default on its obligations. This would result in the loss of the principal amount and any accrued interest for the investor.

Liquidity Risk-: Commercial papers are designed to be short-term investments, but their liquidity can vary depending on market conditions and the specific issuer. While some commercial papers are highly liquid and can be easily traded in the secondary market, others may be less so, particularly those issued by smaller companies or during times of financial stress. If you need to sell your commercial papers before their maturity date, you may not be able to find a buyer at a favorable price, potentially resulting in a loss or a lower return on your investment.

Interest Rate Risk-: Commercial papers are typically issued with fixed interest rates. If market interest rates rise after you’ve invested in commercial papers with lower yields, the opportunity cost of holding them becomes significant. Investors may find themselves locked into relatively low returns when they could have earned higher yields by investing in newly issued papers with higher interest rates. This interest rate risk can erode the purchasing power of your investment and impact your overall returns.

Issuer-Specific Risk-: Concentrating your investments in commercial papers from a single issuer or industry can expose you to issuer-specific risk. If that particular company or industry encounters financial troubles, economic downturns, or regulatory issues, the value of the commercial papers from that issuer could plummet. Diversifying your investments across various issuers and industries helps mitigate this risk, as problems with one issuer are less likely to have a severe impact on your entire portfolio.

Regulatory Changes-: The commercial paper market is subject to regulatory changes that can affect its dynamics. For instance, regulatory reforms aimed at enhancing the stability of the financial system may impact the demand for commercial papers, influencing their pricing and yield. Additionally, economic events, such as a financial crisis or changes in central bank policies, can impact the overall health of the commercial paper market. Staying informed about regulatory developments and market conditions is crucial for investors to adapt their strategies accordingly.

Commercial papers vs Bonds

Commercial papers and bonds are both debt instruments but they have a few key differences between them-: 

Category Commercial Papers Bonds
ISSUER TYPE These are typically short-term debt instruments issued by corporations, including public and private companies. CPs are used to meet working capital requirements, such as inventory financing, and are often issued by financially stable companies with good credit ratings. Bonds can be issued by a variety of entities, including corporations and government bodies. Corporate bonds are issued by companies to raise funds for various purposes, such as expansion or debt refinancing, while government bonds are issued by the government to finance public projects and manage debt.
MATURITY PERIOD Commercial papers have a relatively short maturity period, typically ranging from 7 days to 1 year. They are ideal for companies looking for short-term financing solutions. Bonds have much longer maturity periods, often ranging from a few years to several decades. Bonds provide a source of long-term funding for both governments and corporations.
MARKET REGULATION The issuance and trading of Commercial papers are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and governed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) guidelines. Companies issuing CPs must adhere to these regulations. Bonds are also subject to SEBI regulations, but they may have specific issuer guidelines and may be regulated differently depending on the type of bond and issuer, such as government bonds, corporate bonds, or municipal bonds.
RISK PROFILE Commercial papers are generally considered lower risk compared to bonds because of their shorter tenures. They are often issued by well-established companies with strong creditworthiness, reducing the risk of default. The risk associated with bonds can vary widely. Government bonds, particularly those issued by the Indian government, are considered among the safest investments. Corporate bonds' risk depends on the financial health of the issuing company and its credit rating, making them subject to default risk.
LIQUIDITY Commercial Papers are generally less liquid than bonds due to their short maturities. Investors looking to sell CPs before maturity may find fewer buyers in the market. Bonds tend to be more liquid because they have longer maturities and are actively traded in secondary markets, making it easier for investors to buy and sell them.
INTEREST RATE Commercial Papers typically offer lower interest rates compared to bonds. The interest rates on CPs are influenced by short-term market conditions and the issuer's creditworthiness. Bonds offer higher interest rates, especially for longer-term bonds, to compensate investors for the extended holding period. The interest rates on bonds can be influenced by various factors, including prevailing market rates and credit risk.

How commercial papers help solve financial crisis


Here are a few ways in which commercial papers solve financial crisis-: 

Quick Access to Funds-: Commercial papers offer corporations the ability to swiftly raise funds in the short term. This liquidity is crucial during financial crises when uncertainty and cash flow problems are rampant. Corporations can issue commercial papers to meet immediate financial obligations, ensuring that they can continue their operations without disruption.

Diversified Funding Sources-: Relying on a single source of funding can be risky during a financial crisis. Commercial papers provide a way for corporations to diversify their funding sources beyond traditional bank loans. This diversification reduces their vulnerability to credit freezes or tightening lending conditions in the banking sector.

Market Confidence-: The issuance of commercial papers demonstrates a corporation’s ability to access capital markets, which can boost market confidence during a crisis. Investors view the ability to issue commercial papers as a sign of financial stability, which can enhance a corporation’s overall creditworthiness and facilitate access to other forms of financing.

Short-Term Nature-: Commercial papers typically have maturities ranging from a few days to several months. This short-term nature allows corporations to bridge temporary liquidity gaps without committing to long-term debt obligations. During a financial crisis, when the future is uncertain, this flexibility is invaluable.

Efficient Financing-: Commercial papers are typically issued at lower interest rates than long-term bonds, making them a cost-effective financing option. Corporations can reduce their interest expenses, freeing up capital to address other financial challenges during a crisis.

Economic Stimulus-: Commercial papers also indirectly contribute to economic stimulus during financial crises. By providing corporations with affordable funding, they can maintain their operations and retain employees, helping to stabilize employment levels and support economic recovery efforts.

Commercial papers are a vital tool in the world of corporate finance, offering a flexible and efficient means for corporations to meet short-term financing needs. These short-term debt instruments provide numerous advantages, such as safety of principal, liquidity, diversification, competitive yields, and quick access to funds. They play a crucial role in financial markets, aiding both issuers and investors in achieving their financial goals. However, it’s essential for investors to be aware of the associated risks, including credit risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, issuer-specific risk, and the potential impact of regulatory changes. Careful research, diversification, and monitoring are key to successful commercial paper investments.


1) What are the key differences between commercial papers and treasury bills?

Treasury bills are short-term government securities, while commercial papers are short-term debt instruments issued by corporations. Treasury bills are considered virtually risk-free because they are backed by the government, whereas commercial papers carry credit risk.

2) Can individual retail investors buy commercial papers directly from issuers?

Typically, commercial papers are purchased by institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals. Retail investors can indirectly invest in them through mutual funds or money market funds.

3) How are commercial papers affected by changes in credit ratings of issuing companies?

Changes in the credit rating of an issuer can impact the interest rates at which their commercial papers are issued. A lower credit rating may lead to higher interest rates to compensate for increased risk.

4) Are commercial papers suitable for long-term investments?

Commercial papers are designed for short-term investments due to their short maturities. They are not ideal for long-term investment goals; investors seeking long-term returns should consider other investment options like bonds or equities.

5) What role do credit rating agencies play in the commercial paper market?

Credit rating agencies assess the creditworthiness of companies issuing commercial papers. Their ratings provide investors with valuable information about the risk associated with a particular issuer’s commercial papers, influencing investment decisions.

G Akshay Associates